Galaxy S3 Mini: Samsung’s big new move

Samsung’s newest smartphone with a smaller screen could give Apple’s iPhone a run for its money. But the specs — including the absence of 4G LTE — aim the device more toward the mid-tier. Samsung today unveiled a smaller version of its popular Galaxy S3 smartphone as the Korean electronics giant ramps up competition with […]

Intel open to putting Windows Phone on its chips

Intel has opened the door to potentially supporting Microsoft’s Windows Phone operating system on its chips, according to a report by Computer World today. Intel is taking a wait-and-see approach to the Windows Phone platform, which has won some critical praise but limited commercial success. Instead, the company is largely betting on the continued success […]

Facebook smartphone to be ‘released next year’

Social networking giant Facebook is to launch its own smartphone by next year, reports have suggested. The New York Times cited unnamed sources, including Facebook employees, suggesting that the network had been hiring several smartphone engineers. Facebook recently admitted it was struggling to make money out of its growing mobile audience. The company, which recently […]

RIM CEO: We’re not abandoning BlackBerry physical keyboards

Research In Motion is not killing off its physical keyboards, according to CEO Thorsten Heins. Heins, who addressed a room full of journalists and bloggers at the company’s BlackBerry World conference here, said he wanted to clear up confusion based on the company’s unveiling of the BlackBerry 10 software. It was widely reported or intimated […]

Mozilla loses Web technology guru Chris Blizzard

Chris Blizzard, a high-profile figure in the Firefox world, has left his job as Mozilla’s director of Web platform to join a startup. “I’m trying something new and starting in the next week or so I’m going to be joining a very small startup that’s based in Palo Alto,” Blizzard said in his announcement last […]

We must ‘double down’ on tablets, win the market – Android chief

Android is far behind Apple’s iPad in total units sold, but Andy Rubin says 2012 could be the year where that changes. Speaking today at cellular global Congress in Barcleona, Google’s Android leader said that customers have activated 12 million Android-primarily based tablets to this point. in keeping with The Verge, which first reported on […]

Mozilla’s plan for 2012: Break the ecosystem lock

Mozilla is best known as the developer of Firefox, but it’s reaching well beyond the browser with a 2012 strategy that strives to use the open Web to counteract ecosystem lock-in. Firefox embodied Mozilla’s attempt to counter the damage that Microsoft’s browser dominance caused on the internet. however now, as found out in Mozilla 2012 […]

Sling Broadband Booth 734 @ 4GWE / ITEXPO East 2011

  SLING BROADBAND BOOTH 734 @ 4GWE / ITEXPO 2011   Why You Need to Be at 4GWE 4GWE will focus on ROI issues and how carriers and industry stakeholders build their businesses around the mobile Internet. Attendees at 4GWE will have an opportunity to hear from industry visionaries and thought leaders who understand how […]