HP boffins create net-zero energy data center

Farmers make hay when the sun shines, and maybe data centers should crunch data and do the bulk of their work then, too. That’s what the techies at HP Labs, who have been marrying renewable energy and data centers together in a testbed, are beginning to think. The HP boffins have managed to talk at […]

Mark Zuckerberg gets married at surprise wedding

By almost any standard, Mark Zuckerberg has had a week to remember. Yesterday, he started his day off by ringing the Nasdaq bell and taking his social-networking company public, raising $16 billion in the process. Earlier in the week, his longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan graduated from medical school. And today, just for good measure, the […]

Mozilla loses Web technology guru Chris Blizzard

Chris Blizzard, a high-profile figure in the Firefox world, has left his job as Mozilla’s director of Web platform to join a startup. “I’m trying something new and starting in the next week or so I’m going to be joining a very small startup that’s based in Palo Alto,” Blizzard said in his announcement last […]

Obama hosts Google ‘hangout’

While reaching out to supporters through probably the most latest high-tech means, President Obama extended his social media enjoy via retaining a Google+ video chat room interview on Monday afternoon. In an election year, it’s most certainly no longer good politics to talk about what you sit up for doing after it slow within the […]