Will you sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom?

In advance of Independence Day, a host of groups and individuals have launched the Declaration of Internet Freedom, fighting for a free and open Internet. Do you believe the Internet needs protection against censorship and other threats? If so, then you may want to join in on the new Declaration of Internet Freedom. Launched by […]

July 4 means business for many South Florida firms

From makers of flag shirts to purveyors of fireworks and hot dogs, Independence Day means business, not time off for a barbecue. At theflagshirt.com, orders have been pouring in so fast that co-owner Stephen Stern said he sometimes makes eight trips to the post office in one day. He can hardly keep up with demand […]

South Florida boating industry expects good turnout for Memorial Day weekend

Marinas and boating retailers are preparing for the start of the summer boating season in South Florida — if the weather cooperates. Broward and Palm Beach counties are home to more than 77,000 boats, many of which will crowd the Intracoastal Waterway, nearby sandbars and the open Atlantic to enjoy the warm and hopefully sunny […]